The Last Sunday of Each Month

Sometimes it is a little overwhelming to get started with a new church.
We get it!
We want to help.


On the last Sunday of each month we gather with anyone interested in learning more about East Side or in partnering (that’s what we call membership) with us. We'll talk about East Side’s start as a church, our mission, vision and values, and save plenty of time for all of your questions.

We are now offering an in-person East Side Class that will meet in our Training Room on the last Sunday of each month. We meet during the 11:00 worship gathering so that families with little ones can take advantage of the kid’s classes. We’ll reach out before the class to make sure you know where to find us!

Want to join us?  Here's how:
1) Complete the form below to register (married couples may register together, otherwise please register individually)
2) Read through Bylaws, Core Beliefs and Covenant found below, prior to the East Side Class (see page bottom).
3) Join us for class.

Pre-Class Reading
Please read the following documents before attending the New City Class!